Monorepo World is our two-track conference bringing together experts in developer tooling and of course, monorepos. We're thrilled to share some of this year's speakers, including folks from Zephyr Cloud, Atlassian, GitHub, and HeroDevs. Without further ado, let's meet your first round of speakers!
Hacking Bundlers in Nx
Lois Zhao, Zephyr Cloud
Want to know how builders work and how they can impact your projects? Let's look at various bundlers and see how they affect the build time and output while also potentially saving organizations millions of dollars.
What's In Your Dependency Graph
Josh VanAllen, HeroDevs
Ever ask yourself "why is this build taking so long?" You're not alone. With monorepos, managing your workspace's dependency graph can make the difference between spending countless hours waiting to see if your simple changes fixes your apps. Learn how to find the hidden bottlenecks in your dependency graphs and make them efficient!
How To Use Git - The Right Way - For Monorepos
Scott Arbeit, GitHub
We all use git in our day to day, and it's great! Until you have to clone a large repository, like potentially a monorepo. Thankfully, there are some tips and tricks you can use to work with large repositories and git that can greatly improve your user experience.
Atlassian Frontend's Journey To The Monorepo
Manoraj K & Sourav Shaw, Atlassian
Adopting a monorepo for an organization can be a transformative experience. Learn from the folks at Atlassian to hear how they migrated to a monorepo and what strategies they employ to merge multiple repositories into one unified structure.
Get Your Tickets Today
We hope you're excited to see these amazing sessions! We'll have more to share soon about what other speakers you can expect to see at Monorepo world! Don't forget to register and get your ticket before prices go up September 6th 😱!