Custom Distributed Task Execution on Github Actions

Using Nx Agents is the easiest way to distribute task execution, but it your organization may not be able to use hosted Nx Agents. With an enterprise license, you can set up distributed task execution on your own CI provider using the recipe below.

Run Custom Agents on GitHub

Our reusable GitHub workflow represents a good set of defaults that works for a large number of our users. However, reusable GitHub workflows come with their limitations.

If the reusable workflow above doesn't satisfy your needs you should create a custom workflow. If you were to rewrite the reusable workflow yourself, it would look something like this:

1name: CI 2on: 3 push: 4 branches: 5 - main 6 pull_request: 7 8# Needed for nx-set-shas when run on the main branch 9permissions: 10 actions: read 11 contents: read 12 13env: 14 NX_CLOUD_DISTRIBUTED_EXECUTION: true # this enables DTE 15 NX_CLOUD_DISTRIBUTED_EXECUTION_AGENT_COUNT: 3 # expected number of agents 16 NX_BRANCH: ${{ github.event.number || github.ref_name }} 17 NX_CLOUD_ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NX_CLOUD_ACCESS_TOKEN }} 18 NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }} # this is needed if our pipeline publishes to npm 19 20jobs: 21 main: 22 name: Nx Cloud - Main Job 23 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 24 steps: 25 - uses: actions/checkout@v4 26 name: Checkout [Pull Request] 27 if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} 28 with: 29 # By default, PRs will be checked-out based on the Merge Commit, but we want the actual branch HEAD. 30 ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} 31 # We need to fetch all branches and commits so that Nx affected has a base to compare against. 32 fetch-depth: 0 33 34 - uses: actions/checkout@v4 35 name: Checkout [Default Branch] 36 if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }} 37 with: 38 # We need to fetch all branches and commits so that Nx affected has a base to compare against. 39 fetch-depth: 0 40 41 # Set node/npm/yarn versions using volta 42 - uses: volta-cli/action@v4 43 with: 44 package-json-path: '${{ github.workspace }}/package.json' 45 46 - name: Use the package manager cache if available 47 uses: actions/setup-node@v3 48 with: 49 node-version: 20 50 cache: 'npm' 51 52 - name: Install dependencies 53 run: npm ci 54 55 - name: Check out the default branch 56 run: git branch --track main origin/main 57 58 - name: Initialize the Nx Cloud distributed CI run and stop agents when the build tasks are done 59 run: npx nx-cloud start-ci-run --distribute-on="manual" --stop-agents-after=e2e-ci 60 61 - name: Run commands in parallel 62 run: | 63 # initialize an array to store process IDs (PIDs) 64 pids=() 65 66 # function to run commands and store the PID 67 function run_command() { 68 local command=$1 69 $command & # run the command in the background 70 pids+=($!) # store the PID of the background process 71 } 72 73 # list of commands to be run on main has env flag NX_CLOUD_DISTRIBUTED_EXECUTION set to false 74 run_command "NX_CLOUD_DISTRIBUTED_EXECUTION=false npx nx-cloud record -- nx format:check" 75 76 # list of commands to be run on agents 77 run_command "npx nx affected -t lint,test,build,e2e-ci --parallel=3" 78 79 # wait for all background processes to finish 80 for pid in ${pids[*]}; do 81 if ! wait $pid; then 82 exit 1 # exit with an error status if any process fails 83 fi 84 done 85 86 exit 0 # exits with success status if a all processes complete successfully 87 88 agents: 89 name: Agent ${{ matrix.agent }} 90 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 91 strategy: 92 matrix: 93 # Add more agents here as your repository expands 94 agent: [1, 2, 3] 95 steps: 96 - name: Checkout 97 uses: actions/checkout@v4 98 99 # Set node/npm/yarn versions using volta 100 - uses: volta-cli/action@v4 101 with: 102 package-json-path: '${{ github.workspace }}/package.json' 103 104 - name: Use the package manager cache if available 105 uses: actions/setup-node@v3 106 with: 107 node-version: 20 108 cache: 'npm' 109 110 - name: Install dependencies 111 run: npm ci 112 113 - name: Start Nx Agent ${{ matrix.agent }} 114 run: npx nx-cloud start-agent 115 env: 116 NX_AGENT_NAME: ${{ matrix.agent }} 117

There are comments throughout the workflow to help you understand what is happening in each section.