GitLab Auth

Before creating your container, you'll need to create a GitLab app for your organisation.

Creating a GitLab app

From GitLab, click on your profile picture and chose "Preferences":

Step 1

Then "Applications" from the left-hand menu:

Step 2

Give the app a name. The authorization callback is the important bit. It needs to be in this form:

1[your-nx-cloud-url]/auth-callback 2 3# for example 4https://my.nx-enterprise.url:8080/auth-callback 5

Important: Ensure there is no backslash at the end of the "Redirect URI" (i.e. it matches the above pattern)

Step 3

Ensure you grant it the "read_user" scope:

Step 4

Click "Save application".

Once you create, keep a note of the Client ID and the Secret:

Step 5

Connect your Nx Cloud installation to your new app

It's now time to enable auth on NxCloud. Refer to the auth guide here for instructions on configuring your Helm values file.