Powerpack Free Licenses and Trials

Looking for self-hosted caching?

Free Trial Licenses

You can get a free, 30-day license immediately if you want to try Nx Powerpack. We're here to support you—whether that means extending your trial or helping with the installation. Learn more about Nx Powerpack trials.

Get Your Trial License Immediately

If you're having trouble, reach out for help.

Extended Trial Periods

Nx Powerpack does not make any requests to external APIs, and activating Powerpack can be completed in just a few minutes. However, we understand that in many large organizations, approval processes can take a long time. We're here to help you. Need a trial extension or help with your business case? Reach out and we'll help.

Powerpack for OSS Projects

We offer free, full-featured Nx Powerpack licenses to open source projects. This happens through Nx Cloud (which is free for OSS projects). Just apply here and in the application form, make sure to confirm the Powerpack question.

If you're primarily looking for remote caching, then Nx Cloud is a great fit as it comes with a fully managed remote cache solution (among other CI features), free for OSS projects.