
Watch for changes within projects, and execute commands.


nx watch

Install nx globally to invoke the command directly using nx, or use npx nx, yarn nx, or pnpm nx.


Watch the "app" project and echo the project name and the files that changed:

nx watch --projects=app -- echo \$NX_PROJECT_NAME \$NX_FILE_CHANGES

Watch "app1" and "app2" and echo the project name whenever a specified project or its dependencies change:

nx watch --projects=app1,app2 --includeDependentProjects -- echo \$NX_PROJECT_NAME

Watch all projects (including newly created projects) in the workspace:

nx watch --all -- echo \$NX_PROJECT_NAME


--allbooleanWatch all projects.
--helpbooleanShow help.
--includeDependentProjects, --dbooleanWhen watching selected projects, include dependent projects as well.
--projects, --pstringProjects to watch (comma/space delimited).
--verbosebooleanRun watch mode in verbose mode, where commands are logged before execution.
--versionbooleanShow version number.